Your Strategic Partner For Successful Retrofit

Getting retrofit right is hard and getting it wrong can be very expensive. As experts in retrofit funding, we'll guide you through getting your strategy and operational/ delivery plans in place whilst ensuring you're equipped to maximise the funding you'll get for executing the plan.
Flexible and pre-packaged consulting services for clients about to or already embarking on a retrofit journey. Useful as a precursor to our managed funding service and for clients that need ad-hoc or planned advice on their retrofit strategy and operational plan.
What We Do
Retrofit Consultancy
An Expert Partner, In Your Corner
Decarbonisation funding is complex and we're experts in it so you don't need to be. It can be hard to know where to start when planning your best foot forward with funding for decarbonisation or retrofit works.

Recurring Questions
Common questions include:
Who is funding retrofit work?
How do we apply?
How long does it take to get funding?
How do we know we're doing the right thing?

Knowledge Of The Whole Market
Many don't realise that it is possible to get retrofit funding from multiple sources but trying to do this without detailed knowledge of the eligibility criteria can be fraught with difficulties and could present a risk of having to pay funding back if you fall foul of eligibility criteria, potentially leaving you out of pocket.

Strategy And Planning
Having a well thought out strategy and a property by property plan before embarking on retrofit work is essential in order to maximise the funding you can get, ensure eligibility risks are minimised and ensure you're not on the wrong side of additionality rules.
We work with clients to:
Define retrofit projects with you to maximise the funding you get for them
Source, arrange and administer funding for your retrofit projects
Assess housing stock to determine fundability
Make sure you're doing everything you need to
Define strategies and plans and develop internal skills and knowledge
Troubleshoot retrofit projects and funding that's in progress

Some Common Engagements
For those right at the start of their retrofit journey or those that recognise that they just don't know what they don't know about this complex area. We'll spend time with you and get you up to speed on everything you need to know to move forward with retrofit in an informed way.
What We Do
Retrofit Quick Start Consultation
A Workshop Contextualised For You
In a workshop designed for where you are with your retrofit journey, we'll go through all the key elements of retrofit that you need to secure funding and deliver retrofit projects in a compliant manner.

What We'll Cover
We'll explain all the key concepts in context to your organisation including funding sources and optimising the funding you can obtain, contractor requirements for compliant retrofit work and overseeing your project delivery.

For organisations in the process of or planning retrofit projects who are not currently signed up to our funding optimisation managed service, our retrofit pre funding assessment is an essential consideration. We'll help you understand the art of the possible when it comes to your approach to applying for funding and also the amount you can claim. We'll help you move forward with retrofit with your eyes open so you don't leave free money on the table.
What We Do
Retrofit Pre Funding Assessment
Make Us The First Part Of Your Retrofit Process
Get in touch with us before you apply for funding for any of your retrofit projects. In fact, get in touch as soon as you're planning what to do next. Doing this gives you the best chance of finding funding from multiple sources without compromising eligibility due to a wrong move.

Property By Property Analysis
Share with us the details of the properties you need to retrofit. We'll establish what types of funding could potentially be available to each property.

Our Deliverable
We'll present a report back to you to include the property by property assessment of funding sources potentially available, highlight the potential funding amounts, provide consideration of the process you'll need to follow to optimise your funding and provide you with next steps to potentially achieving that.