Meet Optify
We believe in business being a force for good. We care deeply about helping to accelerate progress towards net zero, conducting research into ever new decarbonisation innovation and developing carbon literacy skills for a prosperous future economy.

Why We Do It
We bring our innovative ethos to all aspects of funding decarbonisation; groundbreaking concepts that solve client problems, innovative approaches to wider and faster adoption and one eye on building our net zero economy and skills base.
There's a lot at stake with decarbonising our economy and we want to see rapid progress, done right. We can support you regardless of what your role in it is and whether you're in the public or private sector. We've made it our business to be innovators and expert across it all, helping stop inertia and indifference and creating a legacy to be proud of.

Our climate emergency
We were the first country in the world to declare a climate emergency bringing with it a responsibility to do something about it. We aim to help accelerate progress towards net zero.

Affordability of retrofit
We're passionate about making a difference in our societal drive to net zero. Helping make retrofit more affordable means progress will be faster and more benefit from warmer homes and more cost effective heating.

Integrity and transparency
We believe in making public funding go as far as it can possibly go so believe there should be absolute transparency of how retrofit funding is spent.

Developing carbon literacy
As we move towards a net zero future, carbon literacy is essential and we're just not there yet. We're passionate about helping develop these skills that are needed right now.
What We Value
Doing business the right way is important. It's easy to say but actions speak louder than words. When you work with us, you'll see that we're driven by doing the right thing and delivering world class results.

We'll always do the right thing, not the easy thing. We're passionate about doing the right thing for each other, for our clients, for the environment, the economy and for moving towards net zero in a way that has equality and social value as its heart.
Socially conscious
Minimising our impact on the environment, helping accelerate net zero progress, giving back to help bring along the next generation of skills and knowledge and delivering social value to clients and citizens is at the heart of what we do.
Our company was founded on the principle of pushing the envelope of what's possible and challenging the normal way of doing things. Progress towards net zero is counting on innovation continuing to drive us forward.
Tackling the climate crisis is one of the challenges of our time and doing it effectively is multi faceted and we all have a part to play. Our mission is primarily to deliver optimal funding into the hands of those that need it to decarbonise their buildings, contributing to accelerated and optimal progress against net zero targets. By doing this, building owners can afford to undertake retrofit work and with us optimising retrofit funding, do more retrofit work than they otherwise would have done, to reduce their carbon emissions which will deliver tangible benefits to building owners and tenants as well as achieve the inherent environmental benefit.
In due course we'll publish various metrics to show progress that's being made for clients with our funding optimisation service:
lifetime Co2 emissions savings achieved with additional funding we've help clients obtain
reduction of lifetime energy bills as a result of retrofit works to buildings achieved with additional funding we've helped clients obtain
number of energy efficiency measures installed in client buildings with additional funding we've helped clients obtain
fuel poverty gap reduction for occupiers of buildings decarbonised with additional funding we’ve helped to obtain

Nathan Gould
Nathan has spent circa 18 years at senior management level within Welsh Housing Association (HA) sector and was pivotal in bringing collaborative working and open book accounting to Wales for delivery of the initial WHQS programme. Over the past 10 years. Nathan has worked in the private sector delivering decarbonisation works including programmes connected with ECO, ARBED, NEST, SHDF and LADS. More recently Nathan has been working with the Climate Collective (collaboration of 6 Welsh HA’s) to establish a company to facilitate the qualifications and certifications required to deliver successful decarbonisation to Welsh homes.

Gary Carter
Gary has a background in management consulting and building businesses in operational leadership roles for the last 17 years. He has pedigree in building companies, teams and operational processes in complex and challenging sectors. He was a pioneer in the information security sector before cyber security was a hot topic helping shape the way that multinational companies now protect themselves from fraud and financial risk in their online financial systems. He co-founded a boutique consulting company specialist in this area which became the leading company in the world in this niche, operating globally before being acquired by a global top 5 professional services brand in 2015. In more recent years, Gary has been advising start-up and scale-up companies on their growth strategies.