Home Owners
Get Free Funding To Implement Energy Efficiency Measures In Your Home
What We Do For Home Owners

We're experts in helping home owners find funding or financial support that could contribute to, or pay outright, the cost of implementing energy efficiency measures in your home. These measures, such as roof, floor and cavity wall insulation, central heating controls, eco friendly heating such as heat pumps, solar PV and more will help you reduce your carbon emissions, keep your home warmer and reduce the money spent on heating your home.

There is funding available today from government and energy company backed schemes but it can be hard to find and then go through the correct process to ensure you're successful. We use our knowledge of all the available funding sources to find you the best and most funding possible.
We'll deal with all the complexity of eligibility, applying for funding and everything that comes with that so that you don't need to. We'll guide you through the process to include gathering all the information required for an application and identifying eligibility, through to having a home assessment carried out and then onto finishing all the paperwork after the work has been done to your home. Our services for doing this don't cost you anything, we get paid a small proportion out of the funding that gets granted.
We don't get involved in any building work ourselves, a building contractor of your choice will need to be appointed to do the work. You can rest easy that the quality of the work will be assured as all contractors doing this type of work have to be accredited by TrustMark which is a government endorsed quality scheme for work done in and around the home.

The Benefits Of Considering Green Measures For Your Home
With the United Kingdom having declared a climate emergency, we now all have a part to play in moving towards a net zero future. Even though each of us would contribute hugely to this effort by installing eco measures in our homes, that is often not enough motivation to get work done, especially if it costs us money. The good news is that there is of course funding available which in many cases will cover the full cost of work and in others will make a significant contribution, meaning the home owners contribution would be a lot lower. We also mustn't forget that implementing eco measures also provide benefit to the homeowner in respect of energy bills and warmer, healthier homes which all in all adds up to a pretty good benefits package for home owners that go ahead.

Optify was set up to ensure more funding for energy efficiency measures gets into the right hands. We're passionate about supporting the decarbonisation agenda and have made it our mission to help individuals and businesses to do their bit to tackle the climate crisis which also helps more people out of fuel poverty, more people have warmer, healthier homes and more people save money on energy costs.
Integrity and trust is important to us. From day one, we committed to donating a percentage of our net profit back into funding further research into decarbonisation and energy efficiency.
A Flavour Of What We're Like
Who We Are And Why Trust Us

Here's what the end to end process looks like for obtaining funding and getting energy efficiency measures installed:
Contact us using the button below to register your interest. We'll get back in touch with you to obtain information we need to do the first stage of assessing your eligibility. We'll need information about you and your property
We’ll check all the details you've provided against the funding eligibility rules. Not everyone and not every home will qualify. You can read our FAQ for home owners here for more details on eligibility or get in touch to learn more
If the first stage of our assessment suggests eligibility for funding, we'll provide your details to our partner firm of retrofit assessors who are qualified to assess what eco measures a home needs and what benefits each measure will deliver for your home. The assessor will undertake a desktop study to establish if our funding is likely to be valid for you and your home. You’ll be notified either way and if the assessor concludes that our funding is likely to be valid, they will contact you to arrange a date and time for them to visit you to undertake a home survey
Once the retrofit assessor has conducted their survey, they'll provide a report that documents whether work is feasible and will save enough energy to make it viable. Where eco measures have been recommended by the assessor, the report will show the work that a building contractor can undertake using the funding we'll provide. The entire installation design, management and installation process will be overseen by a qualified and independent Retrofit Coordinator, therefore providing peace of mind to the homeowner
We or your Retrofit Assessor will connect you with TrustMark certified contractors in your region. Trustmark is the only UK government endorsed assurance scheme in the UK
Once the work is complete, the building contractor will need to submit evidence the work has been done to the required standard and assuming everything is in order, the contractor gets paid from the funding we found
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